Friday, October 19, 2012


Earlier this week I took a day off and got me some pampering. I had a massage, my hair cut and "did", a shellac manicure and SHOPPING!
It made me feel single again, I mean where I did what I wanted, no major obligations, chores, errands, duties, responsibilities, time restraints, etc. It was SWEET.
Here it is just 3 days later, and I already feel like I need a "hit" again of that life. Why do I get so overwhelmed so quickly? Why am I "failing" at everything? Or so it seems.
Why am I so unhappy in this life stage? I wish I could "enjoy" this stage for what it is, and SOME days I do. Not often enough. not nearly enough.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sheer Exhaustion

Ever had someone in your life that constantly seems to be shirking their duties, or never seems to appreciate all that you do? Either for them or just in life in general?
Well I do. And I am SO tired of it. Tired of the attitude, tired of my tiredness, tired, tired, tired. And sick.
What does a girl have to do around here to be appreciated? To be offered a break? Do I need to actually fall sick, faint, fail to function?
Right now I feel like renaming this blog to "Brazen and B****in", I think it fits better.
Hear is where I get out my long scream of frustration, ready? "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome. Be brazen.

To be shameless, impudent.
Hello people in cyberspace. Or no one at all, just myself and my thoughts.
I am a woman who has seemed to always push the envelope a little, at least as a young adult. Or maybe I am a regular adult now. When does being a young adult end, a regular adulthood begin? I have no idea. I was saying. Sometimes I feel like an outsider, but then I know that everyone feels that way at some point. And I like to live my life a little bit wild and loose. Hence the title of this blog. But in reality, I am not wild and loose. I am conservative, and maybe, just maybe sometimes I am boring. What?! No!? This can't be!
Well, it is.